News from Atreya

January 3, 2025

Happy New Year for 2025!

Interview with Vaidya Atreya Smith

Here is an interview with Vaidya Atreya Smith done by Andrew Mason in May 2024.

News about the school

We are happy to be able to give some news on the evolution of the school EIVS for the coming years. There is often misinformation circulating about the health of Atreya and about the school itself. Therefore we are happy to announce that there is no intention to close the school or modify the (...)

21 September 2022

At this time I am writing to everyone who visits this website that I am no longer able to answer emails or to continue to see patients. If you are a patient please look at the practitioners list here to find someone near you who can follow you with Ayurvedic treatments. As indicated in the (...)

20 may 2022 - News from Atreya

Namaskar As some of you know I started to have problems with my spine when I was 15 years old. I wore a corrective back brace for 3 years until I was 18. My journey of learning how to manage my back and neck problems led me to Ayurveda when I was 30 years old. Through Ayurveda I found how to (...)

New links on science cover up / vaccines

I cannot post this information in a more obvious place on my website due to the suppression of science and factual information on the dangers of covid vaccines and other methods to remove our freedoms through fear.

Chemical treatments for Corona virus

Hello, I received this information in an email from a very close friend who works with a number of doctors treating Covid / Corona virus on the front line in hospitals throughout the USA. I thought it could be useful to a few people in my family so forwarded it. I just got the notice from Google, "suspicious due to the nature of the content and/or the links within". So people, this must be (...)

Jyotish predictions for 2021

Jyotish predictions for 2021 (sidereal zodiac using Lahiri Ayanamsa) After receiving the year-end newsletter from the main association of Vedic astrology in the USA, I was highly disappointed by the lack of predictions and comments in general. This has forced me to write a few words about what (...)

Corona virus & vaccines

The science behind vaccines and Corona virus

Corona Virus & Jyotish - 8 March 2020

These are some observations with dates concerning the Corona virus (COVID-19). As all Jyotisha know epidemics and pandemics are the work of the Nodes, Rahu and Ketu. This is a possible scenario based on my observations.

Updates from Atreya - Feb 2020

Namaskar! It is many years since I sent out a newsletter. Many things have changed over the years and I would like to tell you about some of these changes. The first point is that I have removed myself from all social media because I do not like their politics and use of our personal data. I (...)

03 January 2020

Happy New Year for 2020! Last September, I started the procedure to have my school EIVS accredited by the Swiss government organisation OdA-AM (Organisation du monde du travail de la Médecine Alternative Suisse). This allows EIVS to teach Ayurvedic medicine for the federal diploma in (...)

01 Jan 2019

Namaskar, Welcome to the new year! Due to the increase of pain in my neck and back (absence of discs between vertebrae) I will no longer be teaching any additional workshops or programs. This means no more traveling or teaching abroad as travel aggravates my body. I will also stop teaching the (...)

02 jan 2018

Happy New Year ! Wishing everyone a very healthy, happy year for 2018 ! We have a busy year planned with courses starting again in French through e-learning and new schools opening up in the USA! Keep posted for our news of the USA schools and accredited practitioners programs. Also check (...)

28 August 2017

Dear Friends, At the end of July I had a small motorcycle accident and broke my right ankle and shoulder. I will not recover the full use of my right arm before October. At this time I am not able to give consultations in Ayurveda - I will start again in October sometime. I am sorry for those (...)