Chemical treatments for Corona virus
I received this information in an email from a very close friend who works with a number of doctors treating Covid / Corona virus on the front line in hospitals throughout the USA. I thought it could be useful to a few people in my family so forwarded it. I just got the notice from Google, "suspicious due to the nature of the content and/or the links within".
So people, this must be very interesting information if big tech (big brother) is trying to block it. I post it all here, but have not made the links live, you will have to cut and paste them.
From: Jeff Hanson
Sent: Monday, January 11, 2021 1:47 PM
Colleagues, Friends & Family,
I forwarded information to many of you over a month ago regarding the real-time developments around the world as it relates to the use of ivermectin in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19. Since that time, and immediately after Dr. Pierre Kory’s powerful testimony before a US Senate sub-committee, I reached out to him directly and much has subsequently unfolded. Deeply compelled, I began providing significant support at many levels to his work and that of his physician colleagues who comprise the Front Line Covid Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC Alliance), which represent some of the most published critical care physicians in the world. Notably, it was Dr. Pierre Kory’s first testimony to the US Senate back in March 2020 regarding the Alliance’s strong belief that corticosteroid use in the treatment of late-stage, hospitalized COVID-19 patients was essential. Unfortunately, the global medical community dismissed the FLCCC Alliance’s recommendation at the time. Within weeks, the Oxford RECOVERY trial confirmed that Dr. Kory’s assertions were indeed correct and overnight the utilization of corticosteroids immediately became global standard for hospitalized COVID patients.
In an effort to be of assistance, and over the past month, I’ve spent dozens of hours on Zoom meetings with Dr. Kory and his colleagues, as well as a four-day trip last week to meet with them and the CEO of a Texas hospital that has been treating patients with ivermectin very successfully since March 2020 (5.1% mortality rate for hospitalized COVID patients, versus a 23% average mortality rate across first-world hospital systems globally). What I’ve learned from these amazing men over the past month+ has compelled me to act from both a personal and professional perspective, particularly given the fact that vaccines take a long time to broadly distribute and they don’t do anything for treating those who already have COVID or those who will contract it in the future.
Thus, I’ve prepared the following bullet-pointed summary of all that I have learned to-date (with select links to exceptional video and other content at the end of this email that represent “must-sees”). I will also be distributing this content to all of the CEOs of the many skilled nursing and assisted living companies that represent the tenants/operating partners in my company’s portfolio of health care real estate across the US and the UK. Please note that Dr. Kory has reviewed my content below for accuracy.
Lastly, I will be facilitating a series of Zoom meetings/webinars for FLCCC Alliance physicians to present their data and findings along with live Q&A across several channels within my sphere of personal and professional influence. Should you be interested in participating, please respond to this email and I’ll be sure you’re provided the opportunity.
Please take the time to review this essential content, and do not hesitate to reach out with questions or forward this email to anyone should you feel compelled.
Originally discovered in the mid-1970s, ivermectin is on the World Health Organization’s “Essential Medicines” list and has been FDA approved for decades
The two men who discovered it were awarded the Nobel Prize in 2015 for ivermectin’s impact on global health (namely in anti-parasitic treatment, as well as River Blindness in West Africa)
3.7 billion doses have been distributed globally to-date, and approximately 1 million doses are distributed on a daily basis throughout the world (human use)
Over 50% of the population of sub-saharan Africa takes ivermectin on a regular basis, including infants, children, and pregnant women
The safety profile is exceedingly strong; as of 2016, only 1,668 adverse event reports had been received by the W.H.O.’s international drug monitoring system (VigiBase); the margin of safety is extremely wide and the drug is very well tolerated
Primarily prescribed as an anti-parasite drug (both human and veterinary application), but also possesses very strong anti-viral and anti-inflammatory qualities that are demonstrating a high degree of efficacy in preventing and treating COVID-19 in virtually all stages of disease progression, as indicated in a rapidly growing, published medical evidence-base demonstrating its unique and highly potent ability to inhibit SARS-CoV-2 replication
The NIH’s website currently reflects a “IIIA Against” recommendation regarding the use of ivermectin in the treatment of COVID-19 outside of a clinical trial
However, this recommendation is extremely outdated (August 27th, 2020) given the magnitude of evidence via controlled trials that has been amassed around the world since it was posted
Further, a level IIIA recommendation indicates it was based upon expert opinion only given the fact that there was insufficient clinical trials evidence at the time the recommendation was made in late August 2020
The FLCCC Alliance (discussed in detail below) strongly believes the existing evidence-base in support of ivermectin now overwhelmingly contradicts the NIH’s outdated recommendation
The NIH invited the leaders of the FLCCC Alliance, in conjunction with Dr. Andrew Hill (consultant to the W.H.O. regarding ivermectin for COVID-19), to run a joint-presentation to the a 22-person panel within the NIH on January 6, 2021; the NIH is now undergoing review of said data in an effort to reconsider ivermectin in the treatment of COVID-19; I have a copy of the slide deck and the data is exceedingly compelling
As referenced above, Dr. Andrew Hill was engaged in early December by the W.H.O.’s Act-Accelerator Program to investigate potential therapeutics for treating COVID-19; Dr. Hill is the senior research fellow and pharmacologist at the University of Liverpool, UK
Dr. Hill’s component of the join-presentation to the NIH last week summarizes a meta-analysis that currently includes results from 18 completed trials internationally with a total of 2,167 patients; the presentation considered ivermectin’s clinical effects in the following categories: (i) inflammatory markers, (ii) viral clearance, (iii) clinical recovery & hospitalization, and (iv) patient survival
The data presented in the slide deck indicates strong ‘statistically significant’ effects were found in all outcome categories across the board:
Faster time to viral clearance
Shorter duration of hospitalization
Higher rates of clinical recovery
75% improvement in survival rates
Note: Ivermectin’s ‘mechanism of action’ is likely to be both anti-viral and anti-inflammatory
Dr. Hill’s findings are anticipated to be posted to pre-print servers for rapid dissemination to the global health care community soon
Please note that I have provided a link at the end of this email to a recent presentation given by Dr. Pierre Kory where he includes a number of Dr. Hill’s slides and explains them in powerful detail
Note: The majority of the content in this section are representative highlights taken from The FLCCC Alliance’s Dr. Pierre Kory’s current manuscript, which is an overview of 24 controlled trials, 14 of which were randomized, and 12 of which have been peer-reviewed; the rest are on pre-print servers and available to the global health care community; the manuscript is currently in the final stage of second-round peer-review with a very well regarded medical journal in the US and is anticipated to be published in late January 2021; please refer to the link to Dr. Kory’s manuscript in the last section of email to review it in its entirety, along with customary source references for all that is discussed below
Trial Detail: To-date, a total of 56 active randomized trials have been identified among 21 countries with a planned total target enrollment of 7,491 patients, including at least 18 of which are already completed randomized trials comprising 2,167 patients
Core Conclusions: Ivermectin has strong, convincing data showing efficacy in preventing infection and transmission of COVID-19 (pre and post exposure ‘prophylaxis’) as well as in treating mild, moderate and severe COVID-19 disease
Select Trial Data:
Regarding the drug’s efficacy in prophylaxis (preventative) against COVID-19, a controlled study was recently completed in Argentina among 1,195 health care workers. The findings:
Of the 407 professionals in the control group who were not given ivermectin as prophylaxis, 58% contracted COVID-19 over the 10-week study period
Of the 788 professionals that were given ivermectin, ZERO contracted COVID-19 over the same period
Link to Argentina Study:
Summing across many prophylaxis trials (which increases the power of the results) yields a 93% improvement over controls
One of the most profound take-aways from the studies completed to-date is that not only does the drug appear to be very effective as a prophylaxis (preventative), but it’s also effective in treating individuals who have contracted the virus at virtually every stage of disease progression
Further data showing impacts on population-wide health outcomes have resulted from multiple, large “natural experiments” that appear to have occurred when various regional health ministries within South American countries initiated “ivermectin distribution” campaigns to their citizen populations:
The tight, reproducible, temporally associated decreases in case counts and case fatality rates in each of those regions compared to nearby regions without such campaigns, suggest that ivermectin may prove to be a global solution to the pandemic
This is now further evidenced by the recent incorporation of ivermectin as a prophylaxis and treatment for COVID-19 in the national treatment guidelines of Belize, Macedonia, and the state of Uttar Pradesh in Northern India (populated by 210 million people)
The Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance’s (FLCCC Alliance) expert panel, in their prolonged and continued review of the emerging medical evidence base, has now reached a consensus in recommending that ivermectin for both prophylaxis and treatment of COVID-19 should be systematically and globally adopted; FLCCC Alliance’s recommendation is based on the following set of conclusions derived from the existing data (see the link to Dr. Pierre Kory’s manuscript in the last section of this email:
Since 2012, multiple in vitro studies have demonstrated that Ivermectin inhibits the replication of many viruses, including influenza, Zika, Dengue and others
Ivermectin inhibits SARS-CoV-2 replication and binding to host tissue via several observed and proposed mechanisms
Ivermectin has potent anti-inflammatory properties with in vitro data demonstrating profound inhibition of both cytokine production and transcription of the most potent mediator of inflammation
Ivermectin significantly diminished viral load and protects against organ damage in multiple animal models when infected with SARS-CoV-2 or similar coronaviruses
Ivermectin prevents transmission and development of COVID-19 disease in those exposed to infected patients
Ivermectin hastens recovery and prevents deterioration in patients with mild to moderate disease treated early after symptom onset
Ivermectin hastens recovery and avoidance of ICU admission and death in hospitalized patients
Ivermectin reduces mortality in critically ill patients with COVID-19
Ivermectin leads to striking reductions in case-fatality rates in regions with widespread use
The safety, availability, and cost of Ivermectin is nearly unparalleled given its near nil drug interactions along with only mild and rare side effects observed across almost 40 years of use and billions of doses administered
The World Health Organization has long included Ivermectin on its “List of Essential Medicines”
The physicians with the FLCCC Alliance readily acknowledge and regularly articulate the strengths as well as the limitations and weaknesses associated with many of the controlled trials that have been completed because quality varies widely, however, they point to the strong, consistent and reproducible signals lead to a convincing result via meta-analysis:
Meta-analysis is considered the strongest form of medical evidence and is particularly useful when only numerous smaller trials are available in the absence of large trials funded by big-pharma or a major academic institution
It’s very rare to observe such powerful and consistent signals as is seen in meta-analysis of ivermectin trials
Very rare that you see all magnitude of benefit line up on one side
Studies always conflict (heterogeneity – population, doses, timing, methodology, etc)
The homogeneity of the indications across these studies cannot be dismissed or ignored; the totality of the evidence is unique and conclusive
The FLCCC Alliance (“the Alliance”) is led by Dr. Paul Marik, who is the second most published intensivist globally with over 500 peer-reviewed papers and he has been cited over 46,000 times in broad scientific work-product
In addition to Dr. Marik, the Alliance is comprised of a group of some of the most highly published critical care specialists in the world who have dedicated decades to research and are experts in evidence-based medicine; they are from major academic medical centers and have nearly 2,000 peer-reviewed publications as well as many profound contributions to the field of critical care medicine; they also possess over 100 years of front-line, bedside ICU experience as well as extensive near-daily experience in the care of COVID-19 patients since the beginning of the pandemic
(Link to Medical Contributions:
The Alliance developed a life-saving approach to the management of hospitalized patients with the MATH+ Hospital Treatment Protocol for COVID-19; ivermectin is now a critical component of the treatment and the protocol is detailed in the team’s peer-reviewed paper published in the Journal of Intensive Care Medicine in December 2020; the hospitals that adopted the MATH+ protocol and initiated it early in the treatment of COVID-19 patients averaged a profoundly low 5.1% mortality rate, which represents more than a 75% absolute risk reduction in mortality compared to the average published hospital mortality of 22.9%
(Link to MATH+ Peer-Reviewed & Published Paper: Clinical and Scientific Rationale for the MATH+ Hospital Treatment Protocol for COVID-19)
(Link to MATH+ Protocol:
The Alliance also pioneered the development of the I-MASK+ Protocol as a powerful prophylactic (preventative) and early outpatient treatment for COVID-19, which is centered around the use of ivermectin and a combination of other commonly used and safe therapeutics
(Link to I-MASK+ Protocol: I-MASK+ Prophylaxis & Early Outpatient Treatment Protocol for COVID-19)
Dr. Pierre Kory Video (Pulmonary & Critical Care Physician): Presented ivermectin before a US senate subcommittee in early December 2020. Very powerful testimony.
Dr. Pierre Kory Video: Recent Zoom presentation to various health societies and physician networks in South Africa; the strongest data is covered between minute 9:00 – 36. The Q&A thereafter is also very strong, particularly at the 1-hour mark 1:00:00 – 1:04:00
Dr. Pierre Kory Video: Presenting select slides from a presentation from Dr. Andrew Hill (consultant to the W.H.O. Act-Accelerator Program in considering ivermectin for COVID-19 treatment); it begins at minute 12:30 and is exceptional content
Dr. Paul Marik Video (Pulmonary & Critical Care Physician): It’s 1 hr 20 min and worthy of a full viewing, however, the meta-data summary is between minute 27:15 – 39:00 and other great data from minute 45:00 – 55.
Dr. Chris Mortensen (Duke & Cambridge educated PhD) – I’ve been tracking his work on COVID since January and he has been remarkably accurate and consistently ahead of the curve; a great 27 minute summary
Title: Review of Emerging Evidence Demonstrating the Efficacy of Ivermectin in the Prophylaxis and Treatment of Covid-19
Author: Dr. Pierre Kory
Note #1: The manuscript is currently in the final stage of second-round peer-review and is anticipated to be published in late January by a very well regarded medical journal in the US
Note #2: The scope of review for the manuscript is comprised of 24 controlled trials, 12 of which were randomized, and 12 of which are peer-reviewed
Other Groups have performed meta-analyses of the available data, and all find similar conclusions:
Title: Ivermectin is Effective for COVID-19 – A Meta-Analysis of 29 Studies:
Title: Ivermectin reduces the risk of death from COVID-19 – a rapid review and meta-analysis in support of the recommendation of the FLCCC Alliance
Title: The Therapeutic Potential of Ivermectin for COVID-19: A systematic Review of Mechanisms and Evidence
Most of the currently available global medical evidence/support for ivermectin is provided and very well summarized on the FLCCC Alliance website:
Exceptional FLCCC Alliance FAQs Discussion: FAQ on Ivermectin | FLCCC | Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance
Jeff Hanson
American Healthcare Investors
18191 Von Karman Avenue, 3rd Floor
Irvine, California 92612
Attachments area
Preview YouTube video Dr Pierre Kory , President of FLCCC Alliance - Use of Ivermecticin for Covid19 patients
Dr Pierre Kory , President of FLCCC Alliance - Use of Ivermecticin for Covid19 patients
Preview YouTube video Webinar 2: Research on Invermectin treatment on Covid19 with DR P Kory, President FLCCC.
Webinar 2: Research on Invermectin treatment on Covid19 with DR P Kory, President FLCCC.
Preview YouTube video Dr. Paul Marik Discusses His I-MASK+ Protocol