Sugar suppresses the immune system
Question: "The consumption of 100 grams of sugar effectively suppresses the immune system for 6 to 7 hours." Is this true for all types of sugar (including honey), or just refined sugar?
Answer: Yes it applies to any form of refined sugar. Natural sugars are slow to enter the blood or, like honey, are predigested by bees so do not have the same chemical effect on the white blood cells. The basic problem with anything that goes into the bloodstream without being digested by the intestines (Jathar agni) and the liver (panchabhuta agni) is that these substances modify the blood chemistry. Sometime immunity is affected and sometimes enzyme functions, etc. depending on the substance. Refined sugar, alcohol, cortisone, etc. are examples of substance that do this.
A number of “modern” disorders are actually caused by our daily use of highly refined substances, food, drinks or medicines that modify our blood chemistry. There are some interesting studied being done in the alternative medical journals on this subject. Unfortunately, very few of these studies ever make mainstream media and so remain unknown the majority of people.
The best prevention is to avoid refined foods or prepared foods. Pure alcohols have more negative effect than wine or beer for example on blood and enzyme function due to their fast absorption. White sugar is one of the most deranging as we consume huge amounts “hidden” in our daily diet. For example, there are 212 grams of sugar, which is 7.5 ounces or slightly less than 1 cup, in a 2-liter bottle of Coca-Cola. This is the equivalent of 30 grams of sugar in a 12-ounce can of Coke. This means that 3 cans of Cola (any of them) will effectively suppress the immune system for 6 hours. Colas are not the only source of hidden sugar as all manufactured food have sugar in them.
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– Ayurvedic Medicine for Westerners series of textbooks
Application of Ayurvedic Treatments Throughout Life (Volume 5)
Dravyaguna for Westerners (Volume 4)
Clinical Protocols and Treatments in Ayurveda (Volume 3)
Pathology & Diagnosis in Ayurveda (Volume 2)
Anatomy and Physiology in Ayurveda (Volume 1)