Endometriosis from an Ayurvedic View
Endometriosis is a disorder that touches Kapha Prakriti women more than other constitutions. It is also very common in Kapha / Pitta or Kapha / Vata women. This disorder is hard to treat, but it is treatable in Ayurveda.
In my clinical practice I have noted that the most common constitution implicated in this disorder is Kapha / Pitta Prakriti. I have only treated a few dozen women with this problem over the last 15 years so I do not have enough data to know for sure which women are the most implicated. What I have discovered is that I have 60% success rate with treatment of this disorder. In half of these cases the problem was cured. In the other half the problem was controlled and prevented from causing strong symptoms or increased pathology.
It can be classified as Kapha roga by function and Pitta roga by location. This to due the fact that Kaphadosha is controlling the function of the endometrial tissue growth in the uterus. As Pitta is the controller of the uterus and Raktadhatu of which the uterus belongs it can also be classified as a Pitta disorder. I personally classify it by function - in other words as Kapha roga.
It targets women between the ages of 24 and 45 the most. This is the Pitta period of life in a woman.
This disease has its root in pitta (uterus) that deranges the function (kapha). Kapha provides lubrication and tissue renewal in the uterus.
In this pathology kapha over produces endometrial cells and allows them outside of the uterus. This causes problems in both the uterus and the vagina. Other areas of the pelvis can be effected as well. The growth of endometrial cells depends on hormone cycles that are controlled by vata and secondarily kapha. See this link for the information from a modern point of view.
Sometimes this disorder is classified as an autoimmune disorder. According to Ayurveda the dosha lose their capacity to function normally. This abnormal function indicates a failure of vatadosha to coordinate the other two dosha, in other words vatadosha can be a causal factor in this problem. Another possible causal factor can be a fundamental problem with Ojas; commonly low Ojas.
This requires a two step treatment:
- Step one
– Langhana therapies that remove ama
– Langhana therapies that reduce pitta or kapha or both
This requires reducing therapies. Fasting or simple diets are needed to remove ama and increase agni. Some digestive spices (dipana and panchana) are needed to remove ama and increase agni. Use them according to constitution. Whichever dosha is stronger (pitta or kapha) needs to be reduced by lifestyle therapies (Dina acharya).
- Step two
– Brimhana therapies that support vata
– Brimhana therapies that support the endocrine system
– Rasayanas that strengthen the uterus, shukradhatu and Ojas
Lifestyle therapies to control pitta & kapha are needed. This means Dina acharya according to prakriti. Nutritional therapies are needed to control both pitta & kapha. This aspect is very important as many substances (such as stimulants, alcohol, tobacco, etc.) can make or break the treatment. And lastly herbal therapies that lower vatadosha and support the endocrine system are needed.
I use the formula N° 159 according to the causal dosha of the disorder.
For example is the cause is kaphadosha I use K159. If the cause is Pitta I use P159.These formulas can be found on my internet shop. But it is strongly advised to be treated by a therapist and to avoid self-treatment. Removal of coffee, alcohol, drugs and red meat are important for this treatment to work. If the diet is not changed and bad habits such as smoking are not stopped then the herbal treatment will not work.
Meditation and pranayama are advised to help the mind and control the increase of any of the dosha through the mind. I hope this helps you. More information can be found in my last textbook for women & children:
Application of Ayurvedic Treatments Throughout Life (Volume 5)
For nutritional information this revised book is now in its second edition: click here !
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