About evolution

I have been thinking about evolution a lot these last months - with the winter sales underway of course we buy new clothes that don’t fit...... Why are all the sleeves too long now? For the last two years it is hard to buy any shirt, tee shirt, light jacket or top without VERY LONG sleeves. There are several possible causes:

 everyone has suddenly grown long arms in the last two years
 everyone in China has long arms already (all my clothes seem to come from there)
 gorillas have taken over clothes designing

While the 3rd option is a definite possibility (I have never been to New York and the last time I was in Paris or Milan I did see some strange looking people...) it far more likely that evolution is the cause. With analytical deduction we are left with two possibilities - either evolution has suddenly accelerated everywhere equally (in the arms) or evolution is progressing in China and nowhere else. Given the rate of growth in China (including lies) it seems likely we may have an isolated case of arm evolution - perhaps this is due to the overuse of the arms? Handing out more cash? Sewing longer sleeves? Scratching behind the back longer? In any case the growth rate in China is expanding in every other domain - why not longer arms?

If this is case why is evolution cheating the rest of us? I could use longer arms (I just miss scratching my mid back area), why are the Americas and Europe not getting longer arms? Why do we get long sleeves and not the arms to go with it? These are the questions that have been puzzling me over the last month. Of course there is an outside chance that evolution has nothing to do with it and it is just some idiot calling this "fashion" - but what are the chances of that?