jan 2017 nouvelles formules
J’ai ajouté cinq nouvelles formules à la boutique EIVS aujourd’hui. Voici les formules :
163. Hypothyroïde possible autoimmune disorder (Majjadhatu)
Dosage : Anupana :
Vata 3-5 grams per day Vata – Honey & hot water
Pitta 3-6 grams per day Pitta – Ghee & hot water
Kapha 3-7 grams per day Kapha – Honey & Ginger tea
Description :
This is a standard formula to use when Hypothyroidism (reduced function) has been diagnosed.
V163 – Use the Vata formula when there are signs of high Vata on the tongue or in the pulse
P163 – Use the Pitta formula when there are signs of high Pitta on the tongue or in the pulse
K163 – Use the Kapha formula when there are signs of high Kapha on the tongue or in the pulse
Keywords :
Hypothyroid, thyroid gland, endocrine disorder, Hashimoto’s disease, and autoimmune disorders of Majjadhatu.
This formula can be used for the treatment of Hypothyroid. This is a suppressed or Manda problem with the Dhatuagni in Majja Dhatu. This formula strengthens and repairs Majja Dhatu with rejuvenating herbs while increasing the Dhatuagni. It also promotes correct immunity through modifying blood chemistry, Pitta and Raktadh ?tu. The cause of the Hypothyroid has to be determined ; if it is Vataja, Pittaja or Kaphaja for this formula to work correctly. It has a mild Ama reducing action on the body to support correct metabolism. It can be good to supplement this formula with a gold preparation in some form, either elixir or Bhasma (Suvarna Bhasma) to increase the therapeutic action. This formula should be used for at least three months and not more than two years with regular visits to the therapist who should monitor progress.
If there is no clear pathology or symptomology for the patient then use this formula according to Vikriti. Diet is important in the treatment of this disorder. A vegetarian diet would be the best for the patient ; removal of red meat, coffee and alcohol is important for this formula to work correctly. Diet should follow the Prakriti of the patient. Lifestyle is extremely important in the treatment of Hypothyroid. It is very important for the patient to follow a calm, regular, orderly lifestyle with a minimum of stress.
This formula has the following effects on Dosha :
Langhana (Laghu)
Brimhana (Guru) VPK
164. Hyperthyroïdie possible autoimmune disorder (Majjadhatu)
Dosage : Anupana :
Vata 3-5 grams per day Vata – Honey & Warm milk
Pitta 3-6 grams per day Pitta – Ghee & hot water
Kapha 3-7 grams per day Kapha – Honey & Ginger tea
Description :
This is a standard formula to use when Hyperthyroidism (excessive function) has been diagnosed.
V164 – Use the Vata formula when there are signs of high Vata on the tongue or in the pulse
P164 – Use the Pitta formula when there are signs of high Pitta on the tongue or in the pulse
K164 – Use the Kapha formula when there are signs of high Kapha on the tongue or in the pulse
Keywords :
Hyperthyroid, thyroid, Graves’ disease, nervousness, irritability, increased perspiration, heart racing, hand tremors, anxiety, difficulty sleeping, thinning of the skin, fine brittle hair, and muscular weakness.
This formula can be used for the treatment of Hyperthyroid. This formula strengthens and repairs Majja Dhatu with rejuvenating herbs. It also promotes correct immunity through immunomodulating herbs. It has a mild Ama reducing action on the body to support correct metabolism. I suggest using the Mother Tincture of Lycopus europaeus at a dose of 20 drops X2 per day in addition to this formula. Even though there is Lycopus europaeus in a dried form in the formula I have found a better therapeutic response when the tincture is also used with the powdered herbs. This formula should be used for at least three months and not more than two years with regular visits to the therapist who should monitor progress.
If there is no clear pathology or symptomatology for the patient then use this formula according to Vikriti. Diet is important in the treatment of this disorder. A vegetarian diet would be the best for the patient ; removal of red meat, coffee and alcohol is important for this formula to work correctly. Diet should follow the Prakriti of the patient. Lifestyle is extremely important in the treatment of Hyperthyroid. It is very important for the patient to follow a calm, regular, orderly lifestyle with a minimum of stress.
This formula has the following effects on Dosha :
Langhana (Laghu)
Brimhana (Guru) VPK
165. Arthrose (S ?ma & Ashtidhatu)
Dosage : Anupana :
Vata 4-6 grams per day Vata – Ginger tea
Pitta 4-7 grams per day Pitta – Ghee & warm water
Kapha 4-8 grams per day Kapha – Ginger tea
Description :
This is a standard formula to use when there is osteoarthritis, or inflammation of joints and bones.
V165 – Use the Vata formula when there are signs of Sama Vata on the tongue or in the pulse
P165 – Use the Pitta formula when there are signs of Sama Pitta on the tongue or in the pulse
K165 – Use the Kapha formula when there are signs of Sama Kapha on the tongue or in the pulse
Keywords :
Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Gout, joint / muscle / tendon / ligament disorders due to Ama and disorders of Sleshaka Kapha.
This formula can be used as a general formula when the patient has been diagnosed with osteoarthritis.
This formula has the following effects on Dosha :
Langhana (Laghu) VPK
Brimhana (Guru)
166. Réduire Vata (Nirama Vata, Mulasthana & Majjavahasrota)
Dosage : Anupana :
Vata 4-6 grams per day Vata – Ginger tea
Pitta 4-7 grams per day Pitta – Ginger tea
Kapha 4-8 grams per day Kapha – Ginger tea
Description :
This is a standard formula to use when Vata is high and causing any number of problems.
V166 – Use the Vata formula when there are signs of Sama or Nirama Vata for Vata Prakriti
P166 – Use the Pitta formula when there are signs of Sama or Nirama Vata for Pitta Prakriti
K166 – Use the Kapha formula when there are signs of Sama or Nirama Vata for Kapha Prakriti
Keywords :
High Vata, stress, nervousness, etc.
This formula can be used as a general formula when the patient has been diagnosed with Vata Vriddhi conditions.
This formula has the following effects on Dosha :
Langhana (Laghu)
Brimhana (Guru) V
167. Rétention d’eau
Dosage : Anupana :
Vata 4-6 grams per day Vata – Ginger tea
Pitta 4-7 grams per day Pitta – Ginger tea
Kapha 4-8 grams per day Kapha – Ginger tea
Description :
This is a standard formula to use when Kapha increases in Rasadhatu and Ambhuvahasrota is not metabolizing liquids correctly.
V167 – Use the Vata formula when there are signs of high Kapha in Rasadhatu for Vata Prakriti
P167 – Use the Pitta formula when there are signs of high Kapha in Rasadhatu for Pitta Prakriti
K167 – Use the Kapha formula when there are signs of high Kapha in Rasadhatu for Kapha Prakriti
Keywords :
Edema, oedema, dropsy, water retention, swelling and disorders of excess Sleshaka & Avalambaka Kapha.
This formula can be used as a general formula when the patient has been diagnosed with edema or water retention. There are a number of reasons why the body will start holding liquid. A Vataja type will cause variable symptoms and dry skin even while holding water ; Pittaja type will cause signs of heat or acidity in the digestion ; Kaphaja will be progressive, slow to develop and congestive. There are two main aspects to this disorder, the first being the malfunction of Ambhuvahasrota which is responsible for metabolizing liquids. The second reason is a problem in Rasadhatu or Raktadhatu which includes lymphatic systems and blood. Edema can be a symptom of a deeper more complex pathology so it is important to have a good diagnosis. This formula will treat non-specific edema that is not part of a deeper pathology. Do not use this formula if the problem is endocrine based – instead use 154 as it has Myrrh as an ingredient. If you are unsure about using a formula, then use Punarnava alone as a single herb.
Basically, if there is no clear pathology or symptomatology for the patient then use this formula according to Vikriti. Diet is important in the treatment of this disorder. A vegetarian diet would be the best for the patient ; removing salt, red meat, coffee and alcohol is important for this formula to work correctly. Diet should follow the Vikriti of the patient.
This formula has the following effects on Dosha :
Langhana (Laghu) VPK
Brimhana (Guru)
Utilisez-les de la même manière que vous le feriez toutes les autres formules - choisissez selon le Dosha qui cause le désordre.
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